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What's causing my back pain ?


There is an enormous variation in the capacity of the different structures in the back to register pain which is why it is so important to get an accurate diagnosis before seeking out treatment.

Some areas are more sensitive than others, our discs for example barely have a nerve supply in fact only the outermost rim of the annulus of the disc has a pain sensing nerve fibres, therefore a disc can only responsible for pain if it is damaged in some way.

The posterior longitudinal ligament is one particular structure which is extremely rich in nerve supply and is very quick to respond whenever subject to unusual stress or nearby inflammation.

Another very common structure often found responsible for back pain are the facet joints, situated at the back of each spinal vertebra, these tiny joints have a very rich source of nerve networks which keeps the brain constantly updated with information on how the joint is functioning,

when we work our muscles to stress they respond by causing inflammation,

this inflammation is an irritant to our nerves hence we experience pain and on we go.

Quite often all our back needs is to be mobilised and massaged in a way that promotes a reduction in the inflammation and thus a relief from the pain, our body will then usually do the rest.

If you would like to book in for a health check on your back, get in touch.

Contact Chris on: 07887 898159



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